Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pardon my Language

... but I am soooooo fucking depressed and soooo fucking TIRED of being depressed.

I hate this. really really hate it. I did EVERYTHING I am "supposed to" to try & combat it today. Ate well, excercised, got some sunshine, talked to friends ... I tried to read & couldn't concentrate, managed to play with my son for a bit before the monster in my brain dragged my ass back down.

Saw the dr just yesterday .. and of course I felt halfway decent while there. I'm out of sick days at work & the idea of reduced pay stresses me out but so does the idea of going back full-time. I'm imagining that's part of what's brought me into the pit today.


I fucking HATE this.

1 comment:

Alexis Jacobs said...

Thinking of you Tori ((hugs))